Independent consultant

AWA - Consulting Firm
In 2022 I founded my own consulting firm to gather the talents and knowledge of a group of Latin American women with international experience and hunger for a better world.
AWA offers specialized technical advice on the development and implementation of projects related to disaster and emergency management, adaptation to climate change, sustainable development, urban transport, and everything related to communication and design. Visit our website!

Nómada - Audiovisual Project
In 2021 I started an audiovisual project in which I shared my personal experiences of moving from countries, cites and addresses more than 30 times throughout my life. The goal of the project was to offer a real and unromanticized experience of what it means to adopt a nomadic lifestyle for a Latinx person.
Topics explored included moving tips, legal aspects, the pros and cons of moving around, and the ethical implications of living in a community with a different culture from our own.
My role in the project was to develop the idea, create content, and marketing.
Proyectos Personales

Inclusión Animal en Desastres Latinoamérica
A finales del 2023 fundé Inclusión Animal en Desastres (IAD), un proyecto que busca promover la conciencia y la acción de individuos, comunidades, organizaciones y gobiernos para velar por el bienestar animal en contexto de desastres de manera proactiva.
IAD comenzó como un canal educativo en Instagram en el cual se distribuyen tips, alertas e información valiosa. Actualmente, el proyecto está creciendo para además de seguir con el servicio de consultorías remotas, poder incluir capacitaciones al igual que proyectos de abogacía.
IAD surge ante la necesidad generalizada en Latinoamérica y el Caribe de incluir a otras especies de vida que también sufren los impactos de los desastres de origen humano y natural, pero por quienes muy pocos velan o recaudan fondos. Para más información visita nuestra web.
The Soap Club - Entrepreneurship
In 2016 I started my own business of high quality natural beauty products. All products were handmade, vegan and carbon neutral.
I was responsible for the development of recipes to create unique products, production, and sale.
The Soap Club was a venture that allowed me to raise awareness about important issues around beauty products such as animal cruelty, the problem of disposable plastic, and the negative impact that palm oil has on the ecosystem.